
Showing posts with the label grades

Why do grades matter?

The problem with root cause analysis is that no matter how many "why's" you answer, it will always end up that it was you who had done something wrong. That's what I've learned and realized today. Not that it matters a lot but it can affect a person a lot more than you can expect. Getting depressed over a quiz is something normal that a college student who has the same field as mine would naturally feel. Grades are everything in college. They decide what your rank is and how people look at you. Well, that's how life is... Even in normal circumstances we look at those who are on the top most highly without recognizing the people who had set the standard for us to label them as "on the top" (I hope you get what I mean - we wont be able to address people as 'on the top' if there are no people 'at the bottom', it is the same as experiencing happiness, we can't describe the feeling of happiness if weren't able to experie...