What it means to become a medical technologist?

Phrases like "We work behind the scenes." and "Unsung heroes" are common among us, medical technologists. Why? Few people knows about what being, or what it is to become a "Med Tech" We are often mistaken as Nurses or even Doctors; it can't be helped most people only know this two and even I before taking up this course, admit that I am unaware of what or who Medical Technologists were.
As we continue this road we were taking up as Medical Technologist, we'd be getting used to identifying ourselves as "blood extractors" Yes, we collect blood from the patient and test it. We test it and the result will be interpreted by the doctors to help in the diagnosis of the patient. So what makes us so important? Laboratory examinations are first given when the doctor wants to confirm regarding the patient's situation, mostly when a patient has a fever and other cases. Meaning if you as a med tech where a keen listener to your professor or if you were good at correlating things then, as you go over the result of the patient you too can know what the possible cause of the patients illness. Yes, right before the doctor knows it, you have the capability to identify it yourself, however we are not allowed to give the patient even the slightest idea of what their case are. It is part of our code of ethics and we are not licensed to do so. You may be worried about the patient's situation and could suddenly blurt it out but please hold your gears. You cannot do this. Even if the laboratory has a huge contribution to the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor still might have requested for other tests that are not lab related. You might say a different illness rather than what the doctor may say and problems may occur. 

Med Techs collect blood samples and other body fluids, and process them.

We are the unseen heroes. 


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